Bröstpumpsguide: Köpa en singel eller dubbel bröstpump?

Breast Pump Guide: Buying a Single or Double Breast Pump?

When considering purchasing a breast pump from Elvie, there are some important factors to consider to determine whether you should buy a single or double pump. Here are some things to think about, as well as the pros and cons of both options:

Single or double pump?

Elvie offers both single and double breast pumps, and the choice between them depends on your needs and lifestyle.


Single breast pump


  • Lower price: A single pump is cheaper than a double pack, which can be important if you have a limited budget.
  • Flexibility: If you usually breastfeed from one breast and only want to pump from the other breast, a single pump may be sufficient.
  • Smoother for occasional pumping: If you don't pump often, but only need to express milk occasionally, a single pump can be more convenient and easy to handle.


  • Longer time: Since you can only pump one breast at a time, it takes longer to pump both breasts. This can be a disadvantage if you have a busy day and want the process to go quickly.
  • Less effective with frequent pumping: If you plan to pump regularly, perhaps several times a day, a single pump may feel inefficient as it prolongs the entire process.


Double breast pump


  • Time-saving: With a double pump, you can pump both breasts simultaneously, which halves the time you need to spend pumping. This is especially important if you pump frequently or have a hectic schedule.
  • Increased milk production: Pumping both breasts simultaneously can stimulate milk production better than pumping one at a time, as the hormone prolactin is released more quickly when both breasts are stimulated at the same time.
  • More effective breast emptying: A double pump can help you completely empty both breasts, which is beneficial if you want to increase or maintain your milk production.


  • More expensive: The double package costs more, which can be a barrier for those with a tighter budget.
  • More to manage: There is more equipment to keep track of and clean, as you are pumping from both sides simultaneously.


When will you choose which one?

  • Single Pump: If you mostly breastfeed and only pump occasionally, or if you just want to pump from one breast while nursing from the other, a single Elvie might be a good choice. It is also more affordable and convenient for less frequent use. Here you can choose between Elvie Pump Single and Elvie Stride Single.
  • Double pump: If you plan to pump regularly – perhaps to build up a milk supply, return to work, or if you have twins – then a double pump is probably the best option. It saves time and helps maintain good milk production.  Here you can choose between Elvie Pump Double and Elvie Stride Double.


Some advantages of Elvie's breast pumps:

Both the single and double versions of Elvie's breast pumps have advantages that make them attractive:

  • Discreet and hands-free: Elvie is designed to be used in a bra, making it discreet and hands-free, so you can pump without having to sit still or be attached to a stationary pump.
  • Quiet: One of the biggest advantages of the Elvie pumps is that they are very quiet compared to many other pumps, allowing you to pump in almost any environment without disturbing those around you.
  • App-controlled: You can monitor the pumping through an app on your phone, making it easy to keep track of how much you have pumped and when you need to empty.


In summary:

If you pump regularly and want to save time, or if you want to optimize your milk production, a double Elvie breast pump is likely the best choice for you. However, if you only pump occasionally and want a more budget-friendly solution, a single Elvie might be a good alternative. Regardless of what you choose, you get a discreet, hands-free, and efficient pump designed for the needs of modern mothers.

Here you can find the entire range from Elvie. 


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