Ergonomiskt bärande under barnets första år – så anpassar du bärandet när ditt barn växer

Ergonomic carrying during the child's first year – how to adapt carrying as your child grows

Carrying your child in a baby carrier can be both practical and cozy, but it's easy to feel unsure about how to do it right. Ergonomic carrying is important for both the child's physical development and your own comfort, but how does carrying change as your child grows? Don't worry, it's not as complicated as it might seem! Here we take a look at how you can carry ergonomically during the first year and how the child's needs change during this time. Additionally, we discuss why the kiss level – carrying your child at a height where you can easily give a kiss on the head – is so important.


0-3 months: Newborn in frog position

During the first few months, your baby is small and fragile, and it's important to hold them in a safe and ergonomic position. The baby's hips and spine are not fully developed, so they should sit high up on your chest in what is called the frog position. This means that the knees are higher than the bottom, with the back rounded. Carrying your baby at kiss level during this period helps to keep them close and secure, and allows you to easily check that they are breathing properly – an important safety aspect when the baby is so small."

It is also the best position to support the child's hip development. By having the knees higher than the bottom and ensuring that the back is properly supported, you promote healthy physical development while creating closeness and security. All Ergobaby carrier models can be used from newborn, but here we want to recommend Embrace which is soft and comfortable, designed to provide optimal support for newborns and ensure they sit correctly in the frog position.


3-6 months: Still close but with more support

As your child becomes stronger and starts gaining better control over their head and torso, the way you carry them also changes. You can still carry your child in the same way, close to your chest and at kiss level, but now the child starts needing less support for the head. It is still important to hold the child in an M-position, where the knees are higher than the bottom, as this continues to promote healthy hip development.

Here, your child also begins to become more interested in the world around them and may move more in the baby carrier, which is a natural part of development. However, continue to keep the child close and ensure that the back is well supported, so that the child still receives the support they need. With Ergobaby, you can try carrying your child forward-facing from 5-6 months depending on your child's development and size. Experiment and let your child discover the world together with you in a calm home environment. Here, the tip is to take a closer look at Omni Breeze or Omni Dream


6-9 months: The explorer is ready for the supine position

When the child is around six months old, their back and neck muscles start to become strong enough for you to begin carrying them on your back or hip. This is often a natural transition, especially if you carry for longer periods or if the child starts to become curious about what is happening around them.

Even when carrying on your back, it's important to think about ergonomics. The child's legs should still be in the M-position with the knees higher than the bottom, which continues to support hip development. Carrying on the back can also be comfortable for you as the carrier, as it distributes the weight more evenly and can be more comfortable over longer periods. All Ergobaby models allow you to carry the child on both the hip and back, which are practical options during this phase of your child's life.

How to carry on the hip in Omni Breeze 


9-12+ months: More independence, lower position

When your child approaches their first year, they have developed much better control over their body and can sit steadily. At this age, you can start carrying lower on your hip. You could say that your child "grows downward on your body," i.e., from high at the waist to lower on the hip - but always with the head at kiss level (which is not surprising considering that your child's back is growing and you need to make room for the child on your body). Your child is now more mobile and independent, which means they may not need as much support as before, but it's still important to consider how the child sits in the carrier as it should sit comfortably. When carrying larger children, it's worth noting that Ergobaby Omni Breeze/Dream works up to 20 kg so you can carry for a long time and comfortably." 


Why the level of affection is important

An important aspect of ergonomic carrying, especially during the first months, is to have your child at kiss level. This means that your child sits high enough on your chest that you can easily give a kiss on the head without having to bend too much. This level is not only important for closeness and ergonomics, but also for safety. By having your child at kiss level, you can monitor their breathing and quickly notice if something is wrong. This is especially important for newborns, who cannot yet hold up their head or adjust their own position.


Summary: Adapt carrying to the child's development

Ergonomic carrying is about adapting how you carry your child as they grow. From holding your newborn high on your chest in a secure frog position, to carrying them lower on your back as they get older and more independent, you help your child develop in a healthy way. Remember to always consider the child's position, ensure they are seated in the M-position, and, especially during the first months, keep them at kiss level for both closeness and safety.

With these simple adjustments, you can carry your child ergonomically throughout the first year and enjoy the special closeness that only carrying can provide. Ergobaby offers a range of different models that can support you on this journey, making it easier to offer your child a safe and ergonomic carrying experience.

Here you can find all baby carriers from Ergobaby and in the picture below you can see Ergobaby's innovation line from the first model to the current range. 


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