Restless nights are never fun, either for you or your child. Being wound up when it's time to sleep is not uncommon after all the day's impressions. Focusing on breathing can therefore help to relax and fall asleep more easily. The night light Emmy has a breathing light that pulses in rhythm with the breathing, helping your child to relax and fall asleep more easily.
Breathing is the most natural and most effective way to relax and fall asleep more easily. Emmy helps your child fall asleep with the help of a pulsating red light and sound where you can choose between white noise, breathing sounds, or soothing music. The red pulsating light grows larger and smaller and harmonizes with the breathing sounds. By listening to Emmy's breathing and trying to follow the rhythm, your child will automatically fall asleep more easily.
In addition to this, it has been shown that red light is the best color for a night lamp as it does not disrupt melatonin production, i.e., the hormone that makes us sleepy. The night light's intensity can be adjusted to three levels on Emmy. Another great thing about Emmy is that you can choose the sound. Besides breathing sounds (available in two rhythms), you can choose between white noise or soothing music like lullabies or sounds from the African savannah at sunset.
Research shows that newborns who hear white noise fall asleep more easily than babies who do not hear white noise. In addition to white noise, heartbeat sounds relieve stress from the baby, which helps them calm down and sleep better.
In conclusion, when your child falls asleep, Emmy turns off automatically - if you wish. You can choose to leave the lamp on all night with its red night light or an automatic shut-off after either 20 or 40 minutes. If your child starts crying, the light and sound are automatically activated again. Sleep well!
Here you can read more about Emmy from Zazu.